Initiative is a great topic right at the beginning of the year. In my classes with the juniors and seniors, there was an added dose of reality this first week back to school. At the top of my whiteboard is a new countdown to graduation. For the juniors, this is a countdown until they will be seniors. But for the seniors, this is a countdown to a major life change. Both classes met that number with a healthy amount of nervous energy and anticipation. 

This anxiety leads us to a discussion about preparation for major life changes. I wanted to take the time to focus these students on specific goals with actionable items that work towards the goals. I think it is important for adults to have these kinds of conversations with students, but ultimately it will be on the students to take the initiative and meet these goals. That is one of the biggest factors of initiative:  it is self-driven. 

Leaders who take initiative can be seen as bold, efficient, confident, and actionable. These are all very desirable traits for a leader to possess. A leader’s actions can set the tone for the entire organization. If the other members of the organization witness the leader constantly taking initiative and seeing success through that strategy, then those people that wish to succeed will be more likely to emulate this behavior. You can actually inspire productivity in your subordinates by taking initiative. 

Initiative is also a good skill as you work towards the leadership position you desire. This trait distinguishes leaders from followers and can make you stand out amongst your colleagues. Being in a subordinate position is part of the journey towards leadership. But for those destined to be leaders, the position as follower can be very uncomfortable. Showing initiative is a great way to distinguish yourself and to accelerate the process of climbing the corporate ladder. 

Initiative is important for those who strive for success in their future endeavors. It is a way to distinguish yourself from competitors, drive yourself towards your goals, and demonstrate responsibility and action. Some of the traits that we have discussed in this series are necessary for being a great leader. Many leaders function without honesty or character. I believe that you must take initiative to even be defined as a leader- good or bad. If you are not taking initiative, then you are not leading. Push yourself to take initiative in your daily life. If you want to be a leader, taking initiative is vital to gaining and then maintaining that position.

- Bria