
Often, we hear the term limitations in relation to knowing one’s own limitations. While I believe it is important to be realistic about your individual thresholds and capabilities, I also believe that we should be constantly challenging and expanding our limitations. 

A great example of this is running. While some readers might be very athletic and have no issue running, many people, myself included, are terrible at it. If we have a goal to complete a 5k, but after our first practice attempt, find that we can only run ½ a mile, do we just accept that as our limitation? If you really want to run that 5k, you can train and improve and gradually stretch your limitations to include your goals. Similarly, when someone first begins weightlifting, it is likely that he will start out with a five or ten-pound weight. As he practices with this weight, the muscles build, and it becomes easier. To see added benefit, that person will move up to a fifteen or twenty pound-weight and will continue to gradually move up. 

This concept seems so simple and concrete when applied to physical fitness. So why do we struggle to apply it to other areas of our lives? One thing I hate hearing from someone is that he just isn’t smart enough to do something. While I do believe a portion of our intelligence is innate and genetic, a large portion also comes from seeking knowledge. 

Our greatest minds weren’t born knowing everything they now know. Each individual had to seek out information and collect varying resources and opinions on subjects. This practice gave them important skills in research and critical thinking. Throughout the process, it also built their vocabulary and their database of general facts and concepts. By saying, “I’m too stupid,” one is limiting himself to only be as intelligent as he currently is. If he has access to the Internet, he is empowered to make himself more intelligent. He just has to have the desire to improve his limitations. 

Think about what limitations you have in your life. Do you feel limited in your social life? Maybe you aren’t pushing yourself hard enough to put yourself out there. Do you feel limited in a certain talent or ability? Check out some Youtube tutorials and hone your skills. At the opening I mentioned the common idea of knowing your own limitations. I think that there is a better limit-related phrase on which we should all try to focus more heavily. The sky’s the limit. Let’s try to refocus our thoughts on limitations and remember that we are strong and powerful, and we can always be expanding our limits.

-       Bria