Forgetful is an adjective with which I am often associated since I am both a blonde and have reached the age of seventy-five.  I don’t take any of the blonde jokes seriously, though, since I know I am an intelligent person.  Besides, I know most of the punch lines since my son once sent me about one hundred of the best blonde jokes known to man!  Now on the other hand, I must admit that being a senior adult does bring a lot of senior moments!  My shoes are always wonderful on the top sides… but well-worn on the soles since I have to retrace my steps more and more often to gather my thoughts!

    People often use the term forgetful as a negative character trait.  However, I often count it as a blessing.  As a survivor of childhood abuse (not from my immediate family), I am thankful that I was able to forget many horrifying experiences.  Like most people, I can choose to remember or choose to forget.  I choose to remember the really wonderful experiences and neat people I’ve met during my life. 

    My students use the term quite readily to excuse any misbehavior in which they find themselves.  When asked about the situation, these first graders usually look perplexed and say, “I forget.”  I guess some parents accept that excuse, but I don’t.  I take the time to help them remember why we have certain rules and expectations.  I also use the example of how our classroom would be if I chose to “forget.”  It usually works…at least for a little while.

    Our world is dedicated to remembering and not forgetting as we witness horrible crimes and then see the incredible memorials set up to keep us remembering.  Yet, we have many “university elites” who try to claim there was never a holocaust.  The people who dedicate themselves to removing any proof of that horrible crime are as evil as those who committed it during WWII.  We must remember so that such an outrage can never happen again!

    The rise of the use of drugs in our nation may be proof that many people are trying to bring about forgetfulness.  Maybe they have a job they hate or a relationship or marriage that is not fulfilling their needs.  Whatever it is, the use of drugs has increased rapidly…even with the blessings of government as per states allowing recreational use of drugs.  It appears to me that they are wasting a life which could bring happiness and fulfillment.  So, what can I do about it?  For one thing, I am praying every day for my nation and its people.  I am actively teaching my students about wise choices and good work ethics.  I live my life based upon the Ten Commandments which teach us good relationships with God and our fellow man.  I also take to heart the teachings of Jesus and then try to follow His ways.  Do you know the results of this life style?  I don’t want to forget!  Each day is exciting and new and worth remembering!   

-        Kay