Communication on the part of someone in a leadership role is something I have lived and survived by experience. Therefore, I will just share some hard-learned lessons from my 55+ years in administration. Needless to say, I am still learning some lessons with each passing year since I am not perfect!
One mistake I made when I was young was believing that I could have friendships at different levels with my employees. It didn’t take long for me to find that being the boss was a lonely position! Although my husband and I had so much in common with one couple that we often did weekend activities together, it didn’t take long to see that’s a no-no. It reminded me of the “teacher’s pet” mantra of elementary days gone by.
When I had to reprimand my first teacher, I made the error of trying to tell her I was a soft-spoken administrator who didn’t like making waves. By that comment, I meant for her to understand that having to reprimand her was something I didn’t enjoy doing. A few days later she came back to me with the following statement. “I talked with a lawyer friend and told him what you said about being soft-spoken and not enjoying conflict. He told me to go after you like a tiger!” Wow! I was mortified. However, I regained my composure, and simply explained: “I was trying to tell you that I don’t like conflict, but if I am cornered, I’m like a cornered animal that comes out fighting! She backed off, made some of the changes in her classroom behavior, and we finished the year. I learned to just say what is necessary and not try to spare feelings.
I have a Hi and Lois cartoon on my file cabinet which was given to me by a former parent of one of my students. The children run over to their mother who is sunning in a beach chair and exclaim, ”Mom! We just saw our teacher over there on the beach and she was wearing a bikini and she was hugging and kissing a man! Are teachers supposed to be like real people?!”
I learned that often the leader is expected to be “much different than” others in all areas of life. One of my students went through a really hard social persecution by some of the families in our school. I had worked so hard to help him become a success that I was hurt deeply at how they were treating him. I decided to plead for mercy for this student and as I did, I couldn’t help but cry. It didn’t take long before a telephone committee called my board to have me removed because I dared cry in front of the students. I am extremely happy to say that my board stood by me and supported my right to be like other people and have feelings, too.
A former male teacher confronted me one day in my office to share with me that he was going to have my job! He wanted to be our candidate for “teacher of the year,” and put together his portfolio. One day when I was absent, he told the students he didn’t receive the nomination and it was all their fault! I reprimanded him for placing the blame on them and for his outburst of anger with them. He then told me his plan for having my job. “When you discipline the students, I go in after you are finished, and I pour out the kindness and suck up their affection. It’s something I learned in the military.” I was surprised to find he asked my board to fire me for three reasons: 1) I wouldn’t allow him to drive a child home by himself if the parent missed the after school pickup time. I did allow myself or another female teacher to do so. (My explanation then was I was trying to protect him from being in a compromising position and at the mercy of a child’s word against his should something go wrong.) 2) He complained that I had a time of prayer with my staff after staff meetings. Although it was a voluntary thing, he felt pressured to stay. 3) His final complaint was that my husband and I got to take a cruise for our 25th wedding anniversary and our coca cola bill (since we don’t drink) for the cruise was $75…more than he spends for groceries in a week. I was dumbfounded as were the members of my board.
I am so thankful that my board stood behind me over my thirty- year career with that district. I think one reason was that I was a person of my word. I took to heart what Jesus taught, “Let your yes be yes and your no be no.” In other words, speak only truth and keep your word so that you don’t have to make oaths to verify what you say.
To keep that faith in my word, I always made conferences about students three-way with parent, child and teacher present. How could we hope to make a plan for improvement if the child wasn’t involved in the plan? I made sure all my teachers are protected by having big windows on classroom doors and by asking staff never to be alone with a child. It’s protection for everyone.
I communicated with my parents, students and staff, expressing my desire to hear all sides of issues and to give everyone the right to have their position heard and considered. We have done the same thing here at Lawton Academy. Parents actually made the decision for our calendar year starting in Aug. and having longer breaks than one or two days which allowed the families greater traveling time.
Our accreditation corporation requires surveys of students, staff, parents, and patrons. Think how much improvement might be made in the public-school debates if surveys were taken and given validity. It might bring about some needed changes in the way education is being practiced. But the really best way to improve in that area would be for every adult to spend at least one day in the school setting walking in the teachers’ shoes. I think the doors of communication might open wide!
- Kay